Subject argument

In both languages , agent requires a volitional subject argument , and animacy ; it carries out the transfer intentionally .
This chapter introduces the three debate focus of " school decentralization ": rural primary and secondary school leadership system construction dispute , city schools subject argument and rural primary and the debate of secondary school curriculum .
It requires that their proposals must be subject to argument and amenable to reason .
The overinsurance in mortgage insurance is also a subject worthy of argument in real estate insurance .
This part introduces the motivation and reason to choose this subject through the argument about the puzzlement . Then , what are the judicial rules ?
This system in actual operation is subject to logical argument and practice test , and its scientific nature and effectiveness is up to the evaluation of college students " Sansheng Education " system .
Because of the Company Law without the relevant regulations about anonymous investment , whether dormant shareholders have legal status , is a subject of theoretical argument for a long time , and it is difficult to judicial practice faces .
In the construction LP + V + NP , it is a subject and also one argument of existential verbs .
Based on this hypothesis , in the non-you CEs , the locative phrase will appear in the subject position while another argument will be in the post-verbal position .
When a complex event is mapped onto the syntactic structure , the external argument is mapped in the higher position and hence serves as the subject , while the argument in the internal event is placed in the post-verbal position .